

Full Stack Developer

Mənim haqqımda

Experienced in C#, ASP.NET (MVC and web API), JavaScript and Reactjs, I am a detail oriented and custom developer. With a strong

foundation in programming and a passion for problem solving, I am committed to providing high-quality solutions that meet user

needs. I graduated from the software development course at Code Academy Baku, where I gained hands-on experience in developing

applications using various technologies and frameworks. 

Dil bilikləriniz

İngilis — B1 — Orta


İş təcrübəsi

  • WebCoder 03.2023 - hələdə işləyirəm

    Junior Frontend Developer at WebCoder and Koder websites

  • Code Academy 12.2022 - hələdə işləyirəm

    Instructor assistant

  • ReverseAll LLC 11.2022 - 02.2023

    Junior Backend Developer at Cafetap and Autotap websites.

  • Gilan Holding 11.2016 - 02.2022


  • Aurora LLC 09.2014 - 08.2016


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