Нурлан Бедирханов

Android developer (Kotlin)

Mənim haqqımda

Year of work: 2+ I have experience with Git. I have worked on many projects. Familiar with libraries: Git, Room Persistence Library, Retrofit (JSON, API), RecyclerView, DiffUtils, MVVM (LiveData), Glide, Picasso, Volley, View Binding, Coroutines, Dagger Hilt, OkHttp, Moshi. Experience with JSON API, Firebase (authentication, real-time database, analytics), Google Ads (AdMob), Yandex Ads, Google Payment (billing). I have a higher education in IT engineering. Even though I am 19 years old, I have already completed this degree. My plans for the future include creating an application of global importance. I am good at Google Play Console and have been running my apps for over a year now. I live in Baku. You can contact me via whatsapp at +994775366548 or email [email protected]. This summary provides up-to-date information on the Kotlin libraries known to me. I developed the Ilnod studio and applications such as Earnod, Earnod2, Compass, Weather and Kotlin Book, AnsarTelecom. Earnod is my popular app in play store, money earning app. And right now I'm working on the second part of the popular project "Earnod", I think that this application will score all records. In addition, I have created over 10 more apps, all of which are available on the Play Store. Although I mostly work as a freelancer, I really want to join the team. I hope I will have the opportunity to cooperate with you.

Dil bilikləriniz

Azərbaycan — C2 — Səlis
Rus — C2 — Səlis
İngilis — B1 — Orta


  • Ali təhsil

    Azərbaycan Texniki Universiteti (AZTU) 725

    Fakültə qeyd edilməyib / Proqramlasdirma

    Year of work: 1.5+ I have experience with Git. I have worked on many projects. Familiar with libraries: Git, Room Persistence Library, Retrofit (JSON, API), RecyclerView, DiffUtils, MVVM (LiveData), Glide, Picasso, Volley, View Binding, Coroutines, Dagger Hilt, OkHttp, Moshi. Experience with JSON API, Firebase (authentication, real-time database, analytics), Google Ads (AdMob), Yandex Ads, Google Payment (billing). I have a higher education in IT engineering. Even though I am 19 years old,

İş təcrübəsi

  • Seçim edin 01.2023 - 09.2023

    Android developer

    Android Mobile Developer


Retrofit, Json, Api, Firebase, Room

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