Rena Guliyeva

Data Analitik

Mənim haqqımda

A results-oriented Senior Database Engineer with over 8 years of experience specializing in database optimization, query performance tuning, ETL processes, and complex SQL queries. Experienced in various programming languages and web technologies, with a track record of successful freelance web application development. This breadth of experience empowers me not only to articulate and analyze project requirements effectively but also to drive the full lifecycle of development, optimization and solution delivery.

Dil bilikləriniz

İngilis — B2 — Orta inkişaf etmiş
Rus — B2 — Orta inkişaf etmiş
Türk — C1 — Yaxşı


İş təcrübəsi

  • Kapital Bank 10.2019 - hələdə işləyirəm

    ● Implementation of query optimization and performance tuning for more than 20 slow performing SQL queries ● Building and maintaining data infrastructure, as well as developing data pipelines and ETL processes ● Worked in coordination with cross-functional teams to perform large scale migration ● Employed Python to effectively organize and manipulate complex datasets. ● Developed complex SQL queries using stored procedures, temporary table to support Power BI and SSRS reports ● Optimized

  • Destec MMC 01.2013 - 10.2019

    RD Team Member, Web Developer, Application Developer

    ● Creation and support of web projects and B2B tourism portal ● Experience in data analysis, modeling and in working with datasets ● Integrated Web Projects and Logix with APIs ● Created of APIs to fetch the data from the backend as JSON or XML response and parse it on the SQL Server ● Researched integration processes of web projects on websites such as, eBay, Amazon ● Streamlined the Logix program package, optimized code and improving functionality of QR Code reader, voice

Nailiyyətiniz və mükafatlarınız

  • Introduction to Data Science in Python 2021

    University of Michigan

  • Cloud Computing Applications, Part 2: Big Data and Applications in the Cloud 2021

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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