Murad Aslanli

IT & Development (Proqramlaşdırma)

Dil bilikləriniz

İngilis — C2 — Səlis


  • Magistr

    University of Glasgow 2024

    Fakültə qeyd edilməyib / Komputer elmləri

    Master of Computing Science: Software Development University of Glasgow - Glasgow, GLG - Merit 09/2023 – 08/2024 • ADVANCED PROGRAMMING: program design using an object-oriented programming model; modelling data using programming language type systems; event and exception programming; thread programming; persistence; and distributed programming. • ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURES: concept of algorithms, and how to analyse their efficiency; study the data structures most commonly used to re

  • Kurslar

    Central China Normal University - Wuhan 2024

    İnformatika və Kompüter Elmləri / Artificial Intelligence in Education

İş təcrübəsi

  • ZE-TRONICS Limited 11.2023 - 07.2024

    BackEnd Software Developer

    • Developed software solutions for automating industry processes, leading to a 20% increase in operational efficiency. • Designed and implemented Java/Swing desktop applications tailored for SCADA functionality, improving system usability and customer satisfaction by 30%. • Managed PostgreSQL databases, optimizing data handling and storage, which reduced data retrieval times by 25%. • Actively verified and resolved issues within the SCADA applications, decreasing system downtime by 20%

  • Algoritmics Global 01.2022 - 07.2022

    FrontEnd Mentor

    • Helped to debug codes written by students and supervised students' graduation projects that created websites and applications using JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, and API technologies, resulting in a 40% improvement in project completion rates. • Shared personal experiences and insights, which enhanced learning outcomes by 25%. • Mentored individuals across various levels of experience, providing guidance and support that boosted their professional development by 30%

  • Novel Ltd 09.2019 - 04.2022

    Mid-Senior Avtomatika Mühəndisi

    • Developing technical solutions to resolve a complex range of problems. • Executed comprehensive risk analysis, simulating diverse I/O signal scenarios; optimized system performance, which cut failure rates by 25%. • Updated and maintained project documentation for detailed record-keeping. • Assessed equipment and material needs, sourcing cost-effective, timely solutions. • Completed automation of functional and regression testing. • Developed robust technical solutions for improved auto

  • Sentra QSC 10.2015 - 04.2019

    Avtomatika mühəndisi

    • Programming of PLC controllers (Allen Bradley, Siemens S7-1200, Det-Tronics EQ3001) based on a given algorithm. Assign algorithm for Process Automation. • Troubleshooting the Fire & Gas detection systems, Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Systems, building control panel cabinet based on given design.

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