Assistant/Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, SITE


ADA University

Vakansiyanın detalları

Vakansiyanın təsviri

  • Commitment to teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students;
  • Being able to proficiently teaching the majority of the following courses: 
  • Computer Architecture,
  • Microprocessor, 
  • Embedded Systems, 
  • High-Performance Computing, 
  • VLSI Design, 
  • Digital Design with FPGA (VHDL and Verilog),
  • Signal Processing
  • Designing courses, developing syllabi and instructional materials to ensure compliance with the SITE curriculum requirements and guidelines; 
  • Establishment and design of the necessary lab environment;
  • Providing quality instruction including stimulating analytical and critical thinking;
  • Meeting all scheduled classes/labs and providing instruction in accordance with objectives of the approved course outline; 
  • Providing meaningful and timely feedback on student assignments, hold regular office hours;
  • Using the university’s student information system and learning management system;
  • Providing exemplary service to the university and community;
  • Supervise graduate and undergraduate students’ research;
  • Conducting research in interest areas of the SITE and produce high-quality publications.

Xüsusi tələblər

  • PhD or MS degree in Computer Engineering or other related fields from an accredited institution;
  • Experience designing and teaching similar courses in the degree program;
  • Experience in conducting funded research, and publications in major reputed peer-reviewed journals;
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English;
  • At least 1 year of teaching experience at an accredited institution, especially at the collegiate level;
  • Strong commitment to serving university and society.

Interested candidates are requested to submit, preferably in Word or PDF format, attached to an e-mail message: 

  • a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability, 
  • a current resume (CV), 
  • a teaching and research statements and, 
  • 3 professional references. 

Send materials via e-mail to [email protected]  with copy (CC) to [email protected] specifying the Job Title in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Evaluations of applications will start immediately and will continue until all positions are filled. Appointments begin from Spring 2025. ADA University offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about ADA University, please visit

Oxşar vakansiyalar

  • Bakı

  • Razılaşma yolu ilə

  • Bakı

  • 350 - 800 AZN

  • Bakı

  • 800 - 1000 AZN

  • Ağcabədi, Gəncə, Bərdə, Beyləqan, Biləsuvar, Cəlilabad, Lənkəran, Masallı, Astara, Goranboy, Göyçay, İmişli, Mingəçevir, Qazax, Sabirabad, Şirvan, Salyan, Şəmkir, Tovuz, Tərtər, Yevlax, Quba, Xaçmaz

  • 400 - 800 AZN

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