Senior Drilling Engineer


BP Azərbaycan

Vakansiyanın detalları

Vakansiyanın təsviri

  • Be accountable for rigorous well engineering and its integration into the drilling operations plans to support safe, efficient delivery of reliable wells.
  • Ensure compliance with bp Operating Management System, bp Practices, basis of designs and regulatory requirements for well construction.
  • Work with the multi-discipline team to develop and document well design options including key risks and mitigations.
  • Drive standardization and utilization of best practice in engineering to ensure continuous improvement in well design, execution and cost efficiencies.
  • Capture and utilize lessons learned, develop end of well reports and applicable success stories and non-conformance reports.
  • Prepare well cost estimates and monitor daily costs while drilling.
  • Manage the contractor relationship, and safely implement Contractor Improvement Plans (including KPIs, cost driver controls, monitor spend, etc.) and drive continuous improvement.

Xüsusi tələblər

  • 10 years of domestic and/or international experience as a drilling engineer with experience in planning and executing offshore wells.
  • Proficiency in tubular design theory and related software (i.e. StressCheck).
  • Advanced knowledge in Wellbore Positioning and Wellbore Trajectory design and relevant software (i.e. COMPASS).
  • Professional level of Drilling Fluids and Cement design and ability to interpret outputs from cement placement modeling software and perform hydraulic simulations in DrillBench and WellPlan.
  • Experience in coaching and mentoring junior engineers and performing self-verification of detailed engineering work to ensure that standards are met.
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and relationship building skills with the ability to work in multidiscipline environment and communicate at all levels

Oxşar vakansiyalar

  • Ağcabədi, Gəncə, Bərdə, Beyləqan, Biləsuvar, Cəlilabad, Lənkəran, Masallı, Astara, Goranboy, Göyçay, İmişli, Mingəçevir, Qazax, Sabirabad, Şirvan, Salyan, Şəmkir, Tovuz, Tərtər, Yevlax, Quba, Xaçmaz

  • 400 - 800 AZN

  • Bakı

  • 1000 - 2000 AZN

  • Bakı

  • Razılaşma yolu ilə

  • Bakı

  • 500 - 1000 AZN

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