Junior Content Creator



Vakansiyanın detalları

Vakansiyanın təsviri

  • Research tech-related topics to inspire innovative content ideas.
  • Create and distribute marketing copy to promote our company and products.
  • Generate SEO-related content to boost our online visibility.
  • Craft briefs for designers to bring content ideas to life.
  • Stay updated with industry trends and best practices through research.
  • Create and publish engaging social media content.
  • Edit and proofread content for accuracy, grammar, and style.
  • Stay up-to-date with digital marketing trends to enhance content creation skills.

Xüsusi tələblər

  • A passion for learning and a proactive mindset.
  • Strong fact-checking ability to ensure high-quality content.
  • Proficiency in using Canva to create stunning visuals.
  • Mid-level English skills for conducting industry research.
  • Familiarity with SEO concepts and strategies.
  • Tech-savvy with a strong interest in technology and innovation.

Müraciət etmək üçün: [email protected]

Oxşar vakansiyalar

  • Bakı

  • 500 - 1000 AZN

  • Ağcabədi, Gəncə, Bərdə, Beyləqan, Biləsuvar, Cəlilabad, Lənkəran, Masallı, Astara, Goranboy, Göyçay, İmişli, Mingəçevir, Qazax, Sabirabad, Şirvan, Salyan, Şəmkir, Tovuz, Tərtər, Yevlax, Quba, Xaçmaz

  • 400 - 800 AZN

  • Bakı

  • Razılaşma yolu ilə

  • Bakı

  • 350 - 800 AZN

  • Bakı

  • 1000 - 2000 AZN

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